Monday, April 27, 2009

Everybody Kegel!

Why the world would be a better place if we all Kegeled more often.
The first of a two-part installation.

No matter how many times you go to the gym a week, or how many protein shakes you're drinking, or how many sit up's you mean to do and then end up watching House instead--there's an exercise I bet you're not doing that can improve your life.


Kegel exercises strengthen and tone your pubococcygeus muscles (often called PC muscles because who wants to pronounce that monster all the time). These are the muscles along your pelvic floor.

Why Kegel?

Strong PC muscles prevent incontinence in both sexes. In women: they make childbirth less painful and protect against vaginal and uterine prolapse (contrary to Victorian belief, if your vagina falls out it will not become a penis--just very uncomfortable). In men: they aid in general prostate health.

Need another reason for strong PC's besides not peeing yourself when you sneeze or not rockin' the adult diapers? They make sex better! An orgasm is a muscles spasm, and stronger pelvic muscles mean stronger orgasms. Women with strong PC's can clamp down with their vaginal muscles and feel tighter. Men can prevent premature ejaculation, shorten their refractory period, and maintain harder erections. What's not to love?

How to Kegel

First you have to locate your PC muscles. You might have read in places like Cosmo to find your PC's by stopping the flow of urine while peeing. Urologists agree this isn't the best plan and could lead to UTI's. Also your PC muscles are more widespread than that.
So here's what you want to do:
  • Pretend that you really have to poop but you're stuck in a car and the driver is a sadistic bastard. Tighten the muscles of your rectum like you're holding it in. That's half the battle.
  • Next: well, hell--now you have to pee too! And no rest stops in sight. Contract the muscles that hold in your urine. Feel the difference?
Both of those make up your PC muscles and both will better your sex life. Practice until you can tighten both sets of muscles together. There you go: that's a Kegel Exercise.

Want to double check you got the right ones? Men: if you've got it, Kegeling will make your penis jump. Girls: Kegeling will make the erectile tissues of your clit lift and fall and if you slip a finger inside your vagina, your vaginal walls will tighten around your finger.

Exercise Regimen for your Bits?

Most experts recommend doing your PC exercises anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes a day. I say do them whenever you remember. You'll be able to tell when you've done enough--they'll feel tired like any other muscle after exercise. It may be difficult at first like any exercise, but with time and practice they get easier and easier.

Try to vary doing short quick contractions and long drawn out ones. See how long you can hold a contraction. You can do these ANYWHERE: at work, in class, at stoplights, doing dishes and no one will even know.

To sum up: easy, discreet pelvic squeezes better your overall health and increase sexual satisfaction. If everyone did these more often, everyone would be in a better mood.

Kegel Fun Fact
The muscles you use to Kegel are the same muscles dogs use to wag their tails.

Next time: Beyond beginner Kegeling--the tools of the trade.

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